How To Ensure I Have A High Quality Cryopreservation

Tomorrow Biostasis GmbH
5 min readDec 1, 2021


Life is unpredictable, we all know that. But being prepared for your cryopreservation is one thing you can have control over. Following these steps will help to ensure you have a high quality cryopreservation.

Life is unpredictable, we all know that. But being prepared for your cryopreservation is one thing you can have control over. Following these steps will help to ensure you have a high quality cryopreservation.

Although cryonics organizations ensure that their technology is the most up to date, and try to create processes to reach patients quickly; the time between your death and when the processes begin is something we can’t completely control. Notifying standby teams and beginning the cryopreservation process as close to legal death as possible improves the overall quality.

Reaching someone quickly is vital to a higher quality cryopreservation. This is because once the heart stops, vital organs are starved of oxygen and begin to die. Beginning the cryopreservation process as close to the time the heart stops increases the quality of cryopreservation.

A high quality cryopreservation shortens the amount of time that you need to be cryopreserved for. Improving the quality of your cryopreservation means that future medical technology doesn’t need to be as advanced to reanimate you. That means it will take less time before your eventual revival.

Here’s what you can do to get a higher quality cryopreservation:

1. Don’t Cryo-crastinate

One of the best things that you can do to improve your cryopreservation is to be signed up in the first place! Cryo-crastination means delaying signing up, or putting it off until later down the line. The longer you wait to sign up, the more likely it is you won’t be cryopreserved.

The reason most people cryo-crastinate is that they’re healthy and young today. They decide to take care of it in 20 years or so, why should they rush? Well, the longer you cryo-crastinate for, the longer you are not covered in the event of an accident or untimely death.

For more on cryo-crastination read this article.

2. The Next Steps

Once you’ve chosen a cryopreservation plan, you should put systems in place to confirm that you want to be cryopreserved. For example, signing a Patient Advance Directive is one of the best ways to make this more possible. This is basically a living will — it states what actions you want taken for your health if you are no longer able to communicate them. Making it clear that you want to be cryopreserved makes it more difficult for people to dispute it.

A Patient Advance Directive also informs the doctor of who has authority to make decisions on your behalf, should you be incapacitated. Your cryonics organization will be named on the document, so that the doctor will get in touch in case of emergency.

A Personal Belief statement is also a useful document to have in place. This is a document that states your general beliefs and outlook and is signed by you. This makes it even more difficult for an outside party to say that you did not want to be cryopreserved.

For more information about these useful documents, book a call with our team now.

3. Hand-Write Your Will Or Get It Notarized

Write the previously mentioned documents by hand and include within it your wish to be cryopreserved. This provides extra security against challenges to your cryopreservation, should it be contested. Getting these documents notarized will also make them harder to dispute.

4. Inform Your Next Of Kin

Tell those close to you that you have a plan to be cryopreserved. Familiarise them with the process and let them know what to do in the event of your death. This will make the initial stages of cryopreservation run more smoothly.

Make sure they are familiar with emergency contacts — emergency cards (loved ones can notify us quickly).

5. Talk To A Doctor And Lawyer About Your Desires

Discussing your wishes to be cryopreserved with medical and legal professionals who are familiar with the practice is very helpful. This will mean that should there be any obstacles (legal or otherwise) at the time of your death, these people will be able to assist.

Having people around you who understand cryonics will facilitate the process when it comes to starting.

6. Get In Contact With Local Teams

Local volunteer support teams operate in many cities across the world. Getting in touch with them and making them aware of your plans will help in the initial stages of cooling down.

Although we’re close, we may not be in the same city as you. If we’re not at your bedside when you die, then having a network of technicians nearby is important to ensuring a better quality of cryopreservation. This is because the initial cooling down is a very important first step.

7. Carry Details

Wear a bracelet with instructions about who to contact in the event of your death. Keep your membership card in your wallet which has relevant information in case you have a medical emergency, see here. (People have even been known to tattoo instructions on their chest!) Doing this will help those around you take the vital first steps in the event of your unexpected death.

8. Be Proactive

Above all else: take action. If you want to be cryopreserved then do something about it. Sign up, if you’re sitting on the fence. Put legal documents in place to make it indisputable. Inform those people around you. Surround yourself with people that can help when you need it. Being prepared will only improve your quality of cryopreservation.



Tomorrow Biostasis GmbH
Tomorrow Biostasis GmbH

Written by Tomorrow Biostasis GmbH

We are a Berlin based longevity company committed to advancing Biostasis technology and promoting it in a simple and transparent way.

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